In response to the risk of flooding before and after the construction of the pipeline project, the coupling MIKE11 and MIKE21 models are used to simulate floods. By analyzing the flood water levels, river flow, inundation duration, and river erosion, the risk of flood control under different flood standards is evaluated for the pipeling engineering under the "63·8" super flood. This article takes the Ningjinbo Storage and Detention Area as an example to simulate the changes in "63·8" flood before and after the construction of pipeline projects. Studies have shown that before and after the implementation of pipeline projects, the area of the flood cross-section will not be reduced and will not cause the flood levels to rise; when the Ningjinbo area encounters the "63·8" flood, the depth of the scouring depth is 0.26 ~ 0.50 m, and the inundation duration is about 28 days, the impact of water blocking after the completion of the project was analyzed, but the flood prevention and erosion resistance measures must be considered. Results can provide experience reference and theoretical basis for the construction of pipeling projects in the flood storage and detention areas and the calculation of rivers routing.